niedziela, 19 stycznia 2020

Me and My Girlfriend - CTF

Today I decided to try one of the latest CTFs from VulnHub called 'Me and My Girlfriend'. ;) Below you will find the details. Here we go...
We will start here:

When VM was ready to go I started a quick enumeration:

In the meantime I decided to visit found WWW. Below you will find few results, for example:

I also decided to look for robots.txt file, and this is what I found:

Let's visit mentioned file: 

Now we are here:

Let's try to add this header using curl:

Cool ;) So I modified Burp's settings to add this header to every request I'll send to webapp. Checking:

Good. Now we should be here:

Checking our new created user:

So far, so good. As you can see (below) I tried to check some other user_id. This is what I found:

So we are able to enumerate through user_id. This way we are able to check every user(_id)'s Profile-section where we can find 'stored' password. 

(I'm wondering how many of you remember Revelation v2 ;D 

Anyway..."today" ;))

We can use Web Developer Tools to Inspect the Password field :) See below:

When we remove disabled attribute:

and then intercept 'change password' request in Burp Suite:

This is how I grabbed all other passwords (for users I found):

Short summary is presented below. As you can see I started from the 'last found user' - alice:

Well... ;] "That escalated quickly" ;)

So next thing was to check what's inside this OS. I started from ls -laR in /home directory:

Let's see the flag1 and note in my_notes.txt:

At this stage I prepared script (in my Kali VM) to download it to target box:

Checking results we can see that there is some opportunity to escalate our privileges:

I decided to download revshell (by pentestmonkey) from my Kali VM and prepare a meterpreter in other console window. Results with sudo you'll find below:


Ok, let's grab the final flag ;)

I think that's all ;)

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