czwartek, 14 października 2021

Pentesting Jenkins

Some time ago I started a small project called 'enlil'. As you already know - I'm using it during pentests and redteam projects. Below you'll find few notes about the test prepared for Jenkins. Here we go...

This time we'll start here:


Last week, during one of the tests I prepared another small "module" we can use to get a reverse shell on the target box. 

Before we'll continue: let's (use docker or) run Bitnami's version of Jenkins:

When all is prepared and ready:

We should be somewhere here:

To continue - let's try with Bitnami's credentials:

With working credentials - we can easily continue our way to get a shell. To do that simply create a 'new project':

Next - you have to choose the way you'd like to add your "new project code" to Jenkins. I decided to use a Linux console:

If you want - there are also other ways to upload a webshell. Feel free to read the other options available for your 'new projects'. ;) 

For example:

At this stage - if you are not familiar with Jenkins scripting - it will be a good idea to visit this link and read a bit more about it:

 I started here:

After a while you should be ready to prepare your own first script for Jenkins :) Check it out:

If all is ready - you should be somewhere here:

As this exercise is pretty simple - full code of (the very first version ;) of) the enlil's module is presented below:

Commercial version of the scanner is not publicly available so far. 



Got a question for more targeted attack/pentest scenarios? Ask here.



See you next time! ;)




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