niedziela, 21 kwietnia 2024

Few notes from CTF@CIT

During this weekend I had a moment to read what's new at CTFTime and that's how I found CTF@CIT prepared by HACK@CIT. Below you'll find few notes about it. Here we go...

Today we'll start here:

When I registered my account (and a 'team') to play I saw that there are already few challenges ready to be solved. I started somewhere here (with the idea: if I'm not able to solve it in 5 minutes - I'll move to another challenge...;)):

My goal was: check few challenges without any warmup. ;)

That's how I started from few 'the most simple' (like the one related to Discord). Or for example the one for the robots:

Quick enough to move forward:

I decided to try next challenge from another category available:

Another challenge related to crypto category:

Next I found an interesting challenge related to PonyOS :) Screen (with out the flag) below:

 To my surprise: the challenge that took me more time that I was assuming it will - was a Discord challenge ;D

If you're more familiar with Discord than IRC - this challenge should take a 5 seconds. ;) Anyway...

After few hours I saw that there are few more challenges in few more categories. For example:

My next goal was to do some pwn challenge. I decided to start with ezpz binary. 

...after a while ;) when I tried my super-1337-advanced methods... I realize to open binary in Ghidra:

So next step was pretty simple. To continue and prepare a solution I used pwntools (but you can use GEF as well):

Screen from the console:

After solving those few challenges I must admit CTF@CIT was pretty interesting CTF I had a pleasure to play. 

Kudos to HACK@CIT for preparing this event! Also big thanks for moderators: @boom and

Thanks and see you next time! ;)





Let me know in the comments what do you think about it.

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