sobota, 7 marca 2020

Playing games with Games

Few days ago it was heavily raining so "inspired" ;) with the all grey buildings outside the window I decided to play some games. Below you will find few notes about it. Here we go...
Today we will start here:

As usual, when I'm trying to play some games 'to relax' I always hear the voice of LiveOverflow, telling me:

So that's how I found GML and GameMaker Studio :D

I decided to give it a chance and I installed a trial version*:

*(you should remember about it ;))

So starting GameMaker Studio 2 we should be somewhere here:

I used "GameMaker Language" to proceed. Probably the very first thing you'll do will be creating a 'new sprite' (what is this and how to use it you will find in the docs. I strongly recommend you to check it.):


"After a while" (read as 4 days of reading docs and checking tutorials available online as well as GameMaker's forum topics ;)) I created a nasty small game** (simple platform with 'shoot to kill' scenario ;)):

F5 to run and we should be somewhere here:

Yeah I know... I will add grey hair to my hero-player and we will have a Witcher 3 successor xD

Anyway, that was not the case. The case was to understand how the bug in the game looks like. ;)

For example: in case of so called 'codes' or 'cheats' - remember "it's not a bug, it's a feature"? That's true! ;)

Check it out:

As you can see on the screen above we have a very simple code for moving our player. Simple like that. Nothing special here. So I decided to add a 'super jump' (normaly 'hidden in the documentation' let's say, but still visible during reverse engineering or code review of the game), so:

Variable vsp (for vertical speed), when using left-Shift will increase to "- 20" so our player will be able to jump very, very high. Example is presented below (first jump: used space, for a second jump we are using left Shift key):

I think it's easier to understand now (for example) "how to fly in games" ;)

Similar situation can be found when you're looking to "pass the wall" to be 'like a ghost'. What I've learned from GML is that when objectA meets objectB in the same horisontal position there will be a collision. :) 

So if we will remove the collision from our game - we can be an invisible man! ;)

Cool :) Why? Becase 'the author' (or the Vendor - you name IT;)) unfortunately forgot to add a proper collision:

Very simple fix for that can be found on a very next step in the tutorial, for example:

Now should be better:

That's all for now.

Special thanks goes to: Shaun Spalding because now I'm watching the game(s) in a little bit different way than I was before. ;]

See you next time.


** source code will not be released this time.


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