środa, 13 marca 2019

DC-1:1 CTF

Next CTF from VulnHub I tried was DC-1 prepared by DCAU. Below you will find few details about it...
We should start here:

I see "Drupal" - I see 'drupal*geddon' ;)


Source: https://www.dictionary.com/e/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/that-escalated-quickly-300x300.jpg
So we should be here:

I was looking for some passwords...

Then I saw:

So now I was somewhere here:
 ... when I found this cool post:

Well, I decided to check it on the target box:

So far so good, checking our possibility to find:


Thanks for that cool game goes to DCAU who prepared this CTF.
Big thanks also goes to the VulnHub Team for sharing all of those games.

See you next time!


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