czwartek, 30 kwietnia 2020

Reading malware - orbitclient.x86

After reading last cases of malwares found online I decided that I will check one more again. ;) Below you will find few notes about it. Here we go...

We will start here:

As you can see malware is 'still online' (30.04.2020) so please be careful:

I started from strings on my Kali VM. As you can see there is (again) a 'link to download'. So I grabbed the bash-file:

Content of the file looks pretty familiar, isn't it? ;)

Initial checking of the hosting server:

I opened binary in IdaPro:

Now we can see that there are very similar function(s) to the list we found in previous cases(1, 2):

Even the Graph overwiev looks similar ;) Ok, strings, strings and more strings... Here we go:

Interesting - checking:

File again is trying to download a copy of the malware. I googled for the strings found inside the binary and this is what I found:

It looks like some old campaign (2018-19) is started and alive again ;) Few more similarities from strings:

I think it's time to check the link mentioned on the page - VirusTotal:

Looks like the same kind of a ddos tool. ;]

I hope you found it useful. In case of any question(s) - you know how to find me.

Special thanks goes to my new Patreons:
- Daniel
- julianvolodia

Thank you! You are AWSOME! ;)

See you next time!


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