wtorek, 23 czerwca 2020

WooPer - for Wordpress enumeration

Last time when I was looking for some new malware sample(s) I found that multiple websites (serving malicious content) are based on Wordpress. I was wondering why 'attacker' decided to try them as a jump host. Below you'll find few notes about it. Here we go...

Today we'll start here:

Just like during 'normal CTF' ;) I tried to enumerate remote host to get the idea of what (plugin) was vulnerable (and attacker was able to get in the box) - to do that I used wpscan:

Unfortunately - I was a little bit disappointed when I saw a 'need to register'... so I decided to create a small (and lame ;]) "wrapper" for wpscan. ;]

Idea is simple:
- do a GET request to Wordpress-based-attacker's-page
- extract links of plugins...

Easy like that, so now we should be somewhere here:

Our basic script is created. We can proceed with the main() function:

Good enough to prepare a starter ;)

Ok. So far, so good. We can GET a list of links (of plugins) from remote host. What's next?

I decided I will not create another GET-request to pages like this or that - I will just use the tool(s) available already on default installed Kali VM. So - last 'function' is based on searchsploit:

We should be somewhere here (adding our new function to the wooper.py code):


Yeah I know, maybe it's not "the best"... 

...but I hope it will help you somehow to solve CTF(s) faster ;)  

Special thanks goes to my Patreon: Daniel.
You are AWESOME! ;)

See you next time!

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